
Generated: 10/09/2023 11:17 AM

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13 Curated
Sale Type: Available Tenure: 999 Years,freehold Region: CCR Bedrooms: 2 to 2

Based on Price, below are the lowest priced units you may consider.

Project District Region Tenure Unit # Bed Bath Area Price PSF
ORCHARD SOPHIA D09 FH #01-09 2 1 581 Sqft S$1,593,000 S$2,742
HILL HOUSE D09 999 #04-03 2 2 624 Sqft S$1,937,000 S$3,104
10 EVELYN D11 FH #01-12 2 2 732 Sqft S$2,004,850 S$2,739
JERVOIS PRIVE D10 FH #02-06 2 2 689 Sqft S$2,047,000 S$2,971
GRANGE 1866 D10 FH #09-01 2 1 710 Sqft S$2,155,000 S$3,035
SOPHIA REGENCY D09 FH #01-01 2 2 753 Sqft S$2,195,748 S$2,916
IKIGAI D11 FH #02-02 2 2 969 Sqft S$2,239,907 S$2,312
26 NEWTON D11 FH #25-05 2 2 1,163 Sqft S$2,562,368 S$2,203
PERFECT TEN D10 FH #23-09 2 786 Sqft S$2,638,000 S$3,356
KLIMT CAIRNHILL D09 FH #06-04 2 2 829 Sqft S$2,650,000 S$3,197
3 ORCHARD BY THE PARK D10 FH #02-04 2 2 1,066 Sqft S$3,838,000 S$3,600
BOULEVARD 88 D10 FH #03-04 2 2 1,313 Sqft S$4,785,000 S$3,644
LLOYD SIXTY FIVE D09 FH #02-09 2 3 1,830 Sqft S$6,450,000 S$3,525
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Based on PSF, below are the lowest priced units you may consider.

Project District Region Tenure Unit # Bed Bath Area Price PSF
10 EVELYN D11 FH #05-07 2 2 1,163 Sqft S$2,267,450 S$1,950
26 NEWTON D11 FH #25-02 2 2 1,539 Sqft S$3,229,362 S$2,098
IKIGAI D11 FH #02-01 2 1 1,087 Sqft S$2,480,245 S$2,282
ORCHARD SOPHIA D09 FH #01-09 2 1 581 Sqft S$1,593,000 S$2,742
SOPHIA REGENCY D09 FH #01-07 2 2 947 Sqft S$2,698,950 S$2,850
GRANGE 1866 D10 FH #16-01 2 1 850 Sqft S$2,440,000 S$2,871
JERVOIS PRIVE D10 FH #02-03 2 2 732 Sqft S$2,159,000 S$2,949
HILL HOUSE D09 999 #04-03 2 2 624 Sqft S$1,937,000 S$3,104
KLIMT CAIRNHILL D09 FH #06-04 2 2 829 Sqft S$2,650,000 S$3,197
PERFECT TEN D10 FH #23-09 2 786 Sqft S$2,638,000 S$3,356
LLOYD SIXTY FIVE D09 FH #02-09 2 3 1,830 Sqft S$6,450,000 S$3,525
3 ORCHARD BY THE PARK D10 FH #02-04 2 2 1,066 Sqft S$3,838,000 S$3,600
BOULEVARD 88 D10 FH #03-04 2 2 1,313 Sqft S$4,785,000 S$3,644
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Based on Size, we sorted these to be best fit.

Project District Region Tenure Unit # Bed Bath Area Price PSF
ORCHARD SOPHIA D09 FH #01-09 2 1 581 Sqft S$1,593,000 S$2,742
HILL HOUSE D09 999 #04-03 2 2 624 Sqft S$1,937,000 S$3,104
JERVOIS PRIVE D10 FH #02-06 2 2 689 Sqft S$2,047,000 S$2,971
GRANGE 1866 D10 FH #09-01 2 1 710 Sqft S$2,155,000 S$3,035
10 EVELYN D11 FH #01-12 2 2 732 Sqft S$2,004,850 S$2,739
SOPHIA REGENCY D09 FH #01-01 2 2 753 Sqft S$2,195,748 S$2,916
PERFECT TEN D10 FH #24-07 2 753 Sqft S$2,681,480 S$3,561
KLIMT CAIRNHILL D09 FH #06-04 2 2 829 Sqft S$2,650,000 S$3,197
IKIGAI D11 FH #02-02 2 2 969 Sqft S$2,239,907 S$2,312
3 ORCHARD BY THE PARK D10 FH #02-04 2 2 1,066 Sqft S$3,838,000 S$3,600
26 NEWTON D11 FH #25-05 2 2 1,163 Sqft S$2,562,368 S$2,203
BOULEVARD 88 D10 FH #03-04 2 2 1,313 Sqft S$4,785,000 S$3,644
LLOYD SIXTY FIVE D09 FH #10-08 2 0 1,604 Sqft S$6,908,000 S$4,307
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Based on Largest size, we sorted these to be best fit.

Project District Region Tenure Unit # Bed Bath Area Price PSF
LLOYD SIXTY FIVE D09 FH #10-03 2 4 1,981 Sqft S$7,583,000 S$3,828
26 NEWTON D11 FH #25-02 2 2 1,539 Sqft S$3,229,362 S$2,098
BOULEVARD 88 D10 FH #03-04 2 2 1,313 Sqft S$4,785,000 S$3,644
10 EVELYN D11 FH #05-07 2 2 1,163 Sqft S$2,267,450 S$1,950
IKIGAI D11 FH #02-01 2 1 1,087 Sqft S$2,480,245 S$2,282
3 ORCHARD BY THE PARK D10 FH #02-04 2 2 1,066 Sqft S$3,838,000 S$3,600
GRANGE 1866 D10 FH #16-03 2 2 1,012 Sqft S$3,024,000 S$2,988
SOPHIA REGENCY D09 FH #01-07 2 2 947 Sqft S$2,698,950 S$2,850
KLIMT CAIRNHILL D09 FH #06-04 2 2 829 Sqft S$2,650,000 S$3,197
JERVOIS PRIVE D10 FH #02-01 2 2 807 Sqft S$2,404,000 S$2,979
PERFECT TEN D10 FH #23-02 2 2 797 Sqft S$2,755,280 S$3,457
ORCHARD SOPHIA D09 FH #01-11 2 2 710 Sqft S$1,962,000 S$2,763
HILL HOUSE D09 999 #04-03 2 2 624 Sqft S$1,937,000 S$3,104
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Based on Floor level, we sorted these to be best fit.

Project District Region Tenure Unit # Bed Bath Area Price PSF
ORCHARD SOPHIA D09 FH #01-09 2 1 581 Sqft S$1,593,000 S$2,742
10 EVELYN D11 FH #01-12 2 2 732 Sqft S$2,004,850 S$2,739
JERVOIS PRIVE D10 FH #01-05 2 2 700 Sqft S$2,065,000 S$2,950
SOPHIA REGENCY D09 FH #01-01 2 2 753 Sqft S$2,195,748 S$2,916
IKIGAI D11 FH #02-02 2 2 969 Sqft S$2,239,907 S$2,312
GRANGE 1866 D10 FH #02-03 2 2 818 Sqft S$2,451,000 S$2,996
3 ORCHARD BY THE PARK D10 FH #02-04 2 2 1,066 Sqft S$3,838,000 S$3,600
LLOYD SIXTY FIVE D09 FH #02-09 2 3 1,830 Sqft S$6,450,000 S$3,525
HILL HOUSE D09 999 #03-02 2 2 624 Sqft S$2,002,000 S$3,208
BOULEVARD 88 D10 FH #03-04 2 2 1,313 Sqft S$4,785,000 S$3,644
KLIMT CAIRNHILL D09 FH #06-04 2 2 829 Sqft S$2,650,000 S$3,197
PERFECT TEN D10 FH #23-09 2 786 Sqft S$2,638,000 S$3,356
26 NEWTON D11 FH #25-05 2 2 1,163 Sqft S$2,562,368 S$2,203
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